Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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Immediate Effect of Slow Pace Unilateral Left Nostril Breathing with Internal Breath Retention on Blood pressure And Pulse Rate among Normal Healthy Adults

R. Jain Raj, R. Anusha, Jyothi Naveen

Sree Rama Krishna College Of Naturopathy And Yogic Sciences, Tamilnadu, INDIA


Introduction: Pranayama is one among the most important yoga practice which regulates or control prana; the vital force there by brings a harmony between body and mind and thus maintains a healthy living. Pranayama has proved to have beneficial effects upon blood pressure and pulse rate. The present study was aimed to determine the immediate effects of 10 minute practice of slow pace unilateral left nostril breathing with internal breath retention on blood pressure and pulse rate on normal healthy adults.

Methodology: 30 healthy subjects of 20-22 years age group of both sexes were selected randomly from Sree ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic sciences from a pool of 420 students. The subjects were asked to practice unilateral left nostril breathing with internal breath retention for 10 minutes. Blood pressure and pulse rate is measured before and after pranayama.

Results: Statistical analysis shows reduction of systolic blood pressure (t 6.898, sig 2 tailed .000) and diastolic blood pressure (t 3.516, sig 2 tailed .001) and also a significant rise of pulse rate (t -10.463, sig 2 tailed .000)

Discussion: 10 minutes practice of unilateral left nostril breathing with internal breath retention showed a significant reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure with increase of pulse rate. It indicates that it may have an important role to play in hypertensive patients. Large randomized control trials are necessary to prove the better results.


Unilateral left nostril breathing (ULLNB), Chandra anuloma viloma pranayama, blood pressure (BP), pulse rate (PR), internal breath retention (IBR), antar kumbaka

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